Monday, December 6, 2010

Warm Posts, Warm Heart

I must not be the only one that feels sad for the little stumps left behind after the meters are given the Cool Hand Luke treatment, while waiting to be transformed into bicycle racks*.

As I strolled down Booth Street, my heart was warmed to see a family of mittens adorning the posts. There was Papa Mitten,

Mama Mitten,

Big Sister Mitten,

And, of course, Baby Mitten...

*Below is what the meters are being transformed into - bicycle racks. They even come with instructions inscribed on them, Lock Bicycle to Post. And, In case you are lost and do not know where you are, it also reads, City of Ottawa.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Street Woolies

Oh, I hope that I too get an invitation from Lily at Knithacker to post my photos of street woolies (as I like to call them).

See Lili, I captured on photo all these beautiful knittings just before they were removed. I don't understand why anyone would take them down, but it seems that they are gone within twenty four hours.

There are indecisive woolies,

no parking on either side sign enhancing woolies,

corset woolies (in honour of Nursemyra),

retro mod woolies,

and fuzzy wuzzy googly eyed woolies.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yellow Brick House




Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dragon Protected by Dog

Where else have I seen a gate with a dragon protected by a dog, I asked myself when I saw this...

Oh, right! Here...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Punch Buggy Solitaire

I have come up with a new game - Punch Buggy Solitaire!

It is the perfect way to avoid getting that all-alone punchbuggy emotion, and to hone your punch buggy playing skills.

Playing is simple. When you are alone, if you see a Volkwagen bug, simply give yourself a gentle discreet tap (act nonchalant), and then silently say to yourself, Punch buggy, [colour], no punch back.

When next you play the game with a date or with friends, you will notice a marked improvement in the speed of your punching skills.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hearts & Love on the Streets of Ottawa

Who are these people who display their love so unabashedly?

I admire them...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Police Line Up

Zoom, I see your 6 cars at a donut shop, and I raise you 9 bikes and one car at a pub.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh, Shiny!*

Oh, shiny!, I gasped in silent admiration as I noticed the guilding** on the Arch.

I had not intended to blog about the Arch. Coyote , Robin and this blog are covering that event.

But, then I came around to the other side, and caught the eye of one of the artists - he leaned over and viewed me through an opening below the green mesh.

As he stared and took a puff of his fag, I smiled and motioned, Can I take your picture?

He motioned back, Yes.

I wanted to gesticulate, Can I please come up and get a closer look at the beautiful work that you are doing? But, instead, I yelled, Beautiful!

One last smile was exchanged, my camera clicked and captured a moment, and off I went towards home where Chinese greens and pork dumplings with a special dipping sauce were being lovingly prepared for me.

*Dedicated to the Word Wizard
**I spell it with a "u" Wikipedia spells it without a "u". I did not feel like finding out why.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Red and Black - The Colour of Romance

A girl and a boy are walking hand in hand ahead of me on Bank Street. They are damned cute even from the back.

I quickly pass them, whip myself around, smile at them, point to their shoes, and say, "That is so cute and romantic."

"Do you think so?" The girl inquires, "I was worried it might be dorky."

The boy just smiles shyly.

"Are you kidding? It's romantic as hell," I tell them.

They are a friggin' cute couple from the front too.

With their enthusiastic permission, I take a picture of their feet and continue on my way.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bathing Beauty

Magi is grateful that the weather has cooled down again. But, she did find creative ways of staying cool during the heat wave...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yellow Lady Bug*

Groovy exterior above, and funky interior below

I love playing Punch Buggy, and I feel that there should be room for creativity and embellishment as you play the game.

Here are some spontaneous creative moves that have been dismissed by friends that I believe should count:
  • if you spot a Volkswagen bug on TV, you should be able to punch the person who is cuddling next to you,
  • if you have a picture of a Volkswagen bug on your camera, during a a long drive you should be able to look at the picture on your viewer, punch the driver and yell, "Punch Buggy, [colour], no punch back", over and over again until they clue in as to where you are seeing a Volkswagen bug,
  • if you see a groovy Volkswagen bug, as the one in the picture above, you should be able to punch twice (hard!), and
  • if you are walking around with someone who claims, "I don't play that game," you should still be able to punch them if you see a Volkswagen bug and declare, "Well, you are playing now."
I am hoping that Zoom and David Scrimshaw, will give me their support on this matter, since they appear to be well informed players. So far, I have not been able to convince my trusted friend that my rules are valid.

*En français c'est une Coccinelle (a lady bug).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Between the Lines

How can I love you when you did not hold me?
You gave me life
How can I love you when you left me to wander?
You brushed my hair one hundred times at night
How can I love you when you did not protect me?
You had supper on the table every night
How can I love you when you did not support me?
You gave up your dreams to raise me
How can I love you when you did not wipe my tears?
You told me that my father adored me and admired me
How can I love you when you destroyed my art?
You have thanked me for teaching you how to be happy
How can I love you when you mocked my dreams?
You are proud of the woman I have become
How can I love you when you betrayed my secrets?
You love my children unconditionally
How can I love you when you told me I did not matter?
You told me I was an exceptional mother
How can I love you when you still don’t listen to me?
You are happy that I have a good life

I can love you because I can read between the lines.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I have been...

I have been…
So nice
A cunt
A bitch
A raving tyrannical bitch
Like the Virgin Mary
A sweetie
Your soul-mate
Too skinny
Too tall
Cold hearted
An angel
Your Principessa
A bitch in heat
One tough bitch
The most beautiful woman who loves nature
Fucked up
Mommy dog
Just like Jesus
Mommy big woman
Mommy cat
Yes, and an amazing woman

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Puppy Love (on the Fringe)

I brought Coyote along as my date to the Ottawa Fringe Festival Media Launch, and I was soon abandoned by him when he sniffed out this beauty. Click!, went his camera.

I am not sure if it was her colourful flowery bodice, or the high pitched sounds that she emitted when she performed that tickled his doggy fancy.

Miss Shoshinz, (who told Coyote her name was Yanome*) will be performing at the Ottawa Fringe Festival all week.

*Was the admiration mutual?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time Traveler Caught in 2010 Picture

Did you read about the time traveler caught in a 1940 picture?

Imagine my delight when I caught this time traveler in my 2010 picture.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good Grief Too

I suspect that this will be the most photographed wall by Ottawa bloggers in the next few hours.

My picture did not turn out, but Robin's did.

You see the person in the picture? We struck up a conversation.

I found out that he is new to Ottawa, and he has a blog. I welcomed him to the Ottawa blog scene, and asked where he is from.

He's from a small northern town. And, well, it turns out he knows my brother and grew up with my step-nephew.

Good grief, it's a small world.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Des Clips

When I was a single parent, Papa, who was a practical man, showed his concern and love by giving me useful gifts.

Sometimes it was tools, other times groceries, or cleaning supplies.

One time he brought me an old cedar picnic table that we'd had when I was growing up.

"It's funny," I said to him after setting it up in the yard, "I remember the table and seats as much wider."

He tilted his head to one side, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Well, it was. Damned thing wouldn't fit in the car, so I trimmed off the ends."

One of my favorite gifts was a plain, dark beige metal box that he gave me at arms length while smiling mischievously, "Guess what's in the box?"

"Clips?" I suggested.

"Yes! Open it." He never questioned how I knew he'd brought me (binder) clips. We called them by their french name, "Des clips."

Of course I still have them. I was pleasantly surprised to discover, when I started blogging, that I am not the only one out there who likes, uses, or creates with clips.

My favourite use for binder clips will always be the bed sheet forts that the boys and I would build using clips to secure the half dozen or more sheets to tables and chairs - hours of fun.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mural, Mural on the Wall

I took this picture in November of 2008

And this one on the same wall in October of 2009

I can't wait to see what next year will bring.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friendly Trickster

I do a double take and re-read his sign.

At first I did what I am sure he expects most people to do. I read, Help fight homophobia.

"I love your sign," I tell him, and he uncovers his face for a better picture.

He has friendly trickster eyes, and his smile is engaging.

"Did you know that there is a $55 fine for panhandling?" He asks.

No, I didn't.

"Yup, there is. But, the cops were nice to me one night. They told me to go across the River to panhandle - they don't fine you there."

He pauses and then he laughs, "Ya, but they forgot to mention that they put you in jail."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mystery of Life

I've been carrying this little blue sphere (see photo) in my pocket for three days.

Every once in a while I pluck it out, marvel at its shininess, and then gently bounce it in my hand to feel its weight.

Someone left it where I was sure to find it. I don't know who - it's a mystery of life. I like mysteries of life.

But, it's not just any shiny blue sphere. It's a bearing ball.* I love bearing balls as much as I love marbles - well maybe a bit more.

*I usually call them ball-bearings, but Wikipedia corrected me.