Monday, December 6, 2010

Warm Posts, Warm Heart

I must not be the only one that feels sad for the little stumps left behind after the meters are given the Cool Hand Luke treatment, while waiting to be transformed into bicycle racks*.

As I strolled down Booth Street, my heart was warmed to see a family of mittens adorning the posts. There was Papa Mitten,

Mama Mitten,

Big Sister Mitten,

And, of course, Baby Mitten...

*Below is what the meters are being transformed into - bicycle racks. They even come with instructions inscribed on them, Lock Bicycle to Post. And, In case you are lost and do not know where you are, it also reads, City of Ottawa.


Aggie said...

LOVe this post!

zoom said...

Me too, I love this post too!

Jen G said...

That city of ottawa sure has thought through their bicycle rack design. Maybe the person in charge of that could tackle light-rail...

Centretowner said...

Actually, these posts likely will be removed; only the ones with a red spray-paint arrow will have bike racks on them.

I've written extensively on this project on my blog, and I must disagree with Jen's assessment: they keep lots of racks on places like Metcalfe at Nepean (for all those people biking to Place Bell's parking garage) because there's lots of room on the sidewalks, but they've only kept two, one or even zero racks per block on Elgin Street-you know, where people actually bike to.

Businesses on Elgin will suffer as cyclists move there business elsewhere.

There's also the matter of the City removing the parking meter heads while bikes are still attached to the posts. Their half-hearted attempt to fix this, didn't.

Woodsy said...

Aggie and Zoom - LOVE, right back at 'ya!

Jen, Hmmmm....

Centretowner, I just can't get past the cut-off meters... it's sad.

nursemyra said...

I like the mittens!